Survey of Looted Etruscan Chamber Tombs

The aerial photograph shows the positions of the tombs (red balloons labelled T) recorded during SGARPs 2016-2019 seasons. The tombs concentrate in the escarpments of the hills that surround the eastern end of the San Giuliano plateau. The insert at the top left shows the nomenclature used for survey grid squares – each square measures 5 seconds in both latitude and longitude. The tombs were named in numerical order based on their grid square. For example, the three Etruscan chamber tombs (G13-001, E13-35, and G12-060, G12-60) selected for salvage excavation are shown on the map in blue. The gray squares are those areas where the survey of tombs was completed by the end of the 2019 season. The remaining areas with very few exceptions are located on plateau tops where chamber graves logically could not be built. Some of these plateaus, and possibly all of them have earlier Etruscan and Villanovan trench graves cut down from the top directly into the tuff bedrock. The trench graves (tombe a fossa) excavated in 2018 and 2019 are labelled G15-TF-001, G15-TF-002, G15-TF-003, G15-TF-006 and shown here in green.