Field School
Our field school program incorporates students into an archaeological research project in the Italian countryside, one hour north of Rome. This summer, we are excavating a medieval castle and Etruscan house-shaped chamber tombs, while looking for the remains of an Etruscan city that lies atop the San Giuliano plateau. Our San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project (SGARP) provides a unique way for students to conduct their own original research under the umbrella of a large, international and interdisciplinary project and with the guidance of over half-a-dozen professors from Baylor and other universities in the US and Europe. On the weekends, we take field trips to cities like Rome and Assisi and visit Mediterranean beaches and volcanic crater lakes.
The ancient site of San Giuliano is your classroom, as are the sights, sounds, and tastes of the places you visit on the weekends. Your learning will be active and hands-on, as we make new discoveries and reconstruct Italy’s rich archaeological history. Our work is collaborative, as students and faculty work together to conduct research in cooperation with the local Italian people of the nearby community of Barbarano Romano Skills in data acquisition and analysis acquired in the field school, as well as real-world experience in navigating a foreign culture, are eminently transferable to fields beyond archaeology.
Since our dig began in 2016, the site of San Giuliano has produced some outstanding artifacts and been featured in national and international publications and in the local museum in the village of Barbarano Romano. We eat in and work closely with the people of Barbarano Romano, a picturesque medieval town that comes alive in the summer. Students and faculty live just outside of Barbarano Romano, in an Italian villa compound surrounded by hazelnut and fruit tree orchards.
Applying to the SGARP Field school
Apply to the field school through one of SGARP's consortium universities.
Baylor University
Other consortium Universities with field school participation in 2022:
George Mason University
Anderson University
Weekend Excursions
Participation in the field school includes full expense paid weekend excursions in Italy.
Weekend excursions in 2024: Rome, Orvieto, Spoleto, St. Francis' Assisi, Lake Bolsena, Viterbo, beach-side castle of Santa Severa, Etruscan city of Tarquinia
Photo Gallery of Field School and Excursions